Deepwater Horizon: Lessons in Corporate Branding

10 Pages Posted: 24 Jul 2017

See all articles by Vikas Mittal

Vikas Mittal

Rice University

Kyuhong Han

Korea University Business School, Korea University

Date Written: July 18, 2017


How did the 2016 film Deepwater Horizon affect BP’s corporate brand? How can a company reliably measure and track its brand for strategic planning purposes? This study provides a practical approach for measuring the effect of external events on a firm’s corporate brand. Such a measurement approach requires a consistent set of corporate-brand attributes that should be measured on an ongoing basis. Results show that the film’s release did not have the expected negative impact on corporate brand for Shell and Exxon. The impact was similarly small for BP, though BP’s corporate brand was already lower prior to the movie’s release.

Keywords: coroporate brand; public relations; movie release; brand equity

Suggested Citation

Mittal, Vikas and Han, Kyuhong, Deepwater Horizon: Lessons in Corporate Branding (July 18, 2017). Available at SSRN: or

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Kyuhong Han

Korea University Business School, Korea University ( email )

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