Equilibrium Returns with Transaction Costs

27 Pages Posted: 29 Jul 2017 Last revised: 13 Mar 2018

See all articles by Bruno Bouchard

Bruno Bouchard

Université Paris Dauphine - CEREMADE

Masaaki Fukasawa

Osaka University

Martin Herdegen

University of Warwick - Department of Statistics

Johannes Muhle-Karbe

Imperial College London - Department of Mathematics

Date Written: March 9, 2018


We study how trading costs are reflected in equilibrium returns. To this end, we develop a tractable continuous-time risk-sharing model, where heterogeneous mean-variance investors trade subject to a quadratic transaction cost. The corresponding equilibrium is characterized as the unique solution of a system of coupled but linear forward-backward stochastic differential equations. Explicit solutions are obtained in a number of concrete settings. The sluggishness of the frictional portfolios makes the corresponding equilibrium returns mean-reverting. Compared to the frictionless case, expected returns are higher if the more risk-averse agents are net sellers or if the asset supply expands over time.

Keywords: equilibrium, transaction costs, liquidity premium

JEL Classification: C68, D52, G11, G12

Suggested Citation

Bouchard, Bruno and Fukasawa, Masaaki and Herdegen, Martin and Muhle-Karbe, Johannes, Equilibrium Returns with Transaction Costs (March 9, 2018). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3009183 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3009183

Bruno Bouchard

Université Paris Dauphine - CEREMADE ( email )

Place du Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny
Paris Cedex 16, 75775

Masaaki Fukasawa

Osaka University

1-1 Yamadaoka
Osaka, 565-0871

Martin Herdegen

University of Warwick - Department of Statistics ( email )

Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

Johannes Muhle-Karbe (Contact Author)

Imperial College London - Department of Mathematics ( email )

South Kensington Campus
Imperial College
United Kingdom

HOME PAGE: http://www.ma.imperial.ac.uk/~jmuhleka/

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