Influence of Digital Video Games on Leadership Skills: Experience of Psychological Research
2017 Leadership Conference Evidence-Based Decision Making, Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan. May 18-19, 2017
Posted: 9 Feb 2020
Date Written: October 18, 2017
The report is devoted to investigation of the problem of impact of digital games on the leadership skills. We made psychological research of 50 Russian students-gamers and non-gamers. We used the following research methods to identify the level of development of leadership skills of students: the "Questionnaire of the evaluation of communicative and organizational abilities (COA) and the Method for determining of the level of reflexivity (A.V. Karpov, V.V. Ponomarev).
According to result of investigation 89% of gamers demonstrated organizational skills; 75% of respondents expressed the knowledge of the rules of organizational work. 66% of gamers impact others thinking and behavior. 75% of respondents has the ability to control oneself. 68% of gamers demonstrate personal leadership and tenacity of purpose 89% of gamers has ability to manage the group (55%). 67% of gamers are able to apply creative approach to solve the problems. We made the conclusion that playing digital games impact positively the formation and development of leadership skills.
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