How Will a Fragile Trust Lead to an Unsustainable Development? A Study of Trust at the Age of Constitutionalism in Iran
10 Pages Posted: 18 Dec 2017
Date Written: December 16, 2017
Iran is facing many difficulties in the route of development and passing more than one hundred years from the first high step, it stills drags behind the name of a “developing country”. One of the most important basic components in the sustainable social development is the social trust. Social trust is a grace which can save the society from paying an extravagant cost and like a constant paste can establish social ties among individual activists. Fading out the trust is in a sense a type of imposing tax on the society. Iran has always taken a step in the route of development but this development has not had the expected development and in some of the historical moments has had degrade rather than growth. In order to understand the quality of the trend of development in Iran, we have firstly dealt with the study of the Iranian social movement in which for the first time, the Iranian general demands are fulfilled within the framework of an action based on trust in association with the body of Bāzār and colorful presence of clergies. The approach of this paper for cultivating the causes of sluggish speed of the development growth in Iran is the study of the Mashruteh Revolution from the viewpoint of trust culture. Thus, understanding the historical heritage of a society which confirms the competency of trust or rejects it according to its experience has been converted into the main question. Has social underdevelopment been fulfilled despite the presence of a rich historical heritage of trust (trust culture) and/or its opposite one, i.e. (distrust culture) has been prevailing? The study of the history of Persian Constitutional Revolution (Mashruteh Movement) shows that the level of trust in the concerned historical period has been in a fragile and insignificant position - which with the exception of some crucial moments - has not overpassed the intermediate levels. The significance of this revolution becomes more prominent because it has a long record of hundred years of oligarchy governments and unlimited power of the kings in possession of the peoples’ heart and assets. However in these critical moments, the role of trust in the creation of social development and success of the public demand (despite the state resistance in accepting it) is to such an extent outstanding and colorful that it may not be ignored. Finally it seems that the sustainable development is subject to the quality of the trust culture in its previous age which becomes possible in the light of durability and stability.
Keywords: History, Iran, Mashruteh, Social Development, Trust
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