Proceedings of the Rais Conference: Human Development – A Multidisciplinary Research

Proceedings of the Rais Conference: Human Development – A Multidisciplinary Research, November 6-7, 2017, Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD, USA; ISBN: 978-1-945298-09-7

104 Pages Posted: 10 Jan 2018

See all articles by Ioan Rotaru

Ioan Rotaru

“Timotheus” Theological Institute in Bucharest

David C. Ononogbu

University of Nigeria

Nidhi Kaushal

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee - Department of Applied Science

Sanjit Mishra

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee - Department of Applied Science

Samuel Bâlc

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest

Wisdom Momodu

Justus Liebig University Giessen

Shanel Lu


Sharon L Burton


Dilip Dutta

University of Sydney Business School

Stelian Manolache

Ovidius University of Constanţa

Ardak Yesdauletova

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan

Yesdauletov Aitmukhanbet

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan

Kairat Sakh

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan

Bhavsar Shaktiraj

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU)

Date Written: November 6, 2017


The International Conference Human Development – A Multidisciplinary Research was held on November 6-7, 2017 at Johns Hopkins University, in Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD, USA, and was organized by Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies.

Keywords: Development, Research, Discrimination, Culture, Education, Postmodernity

Suggested Citation

Rotaru, Ioan and Ononogbu, David C. and Kaushal, Nidhi and Mishra, Sanjit and Bâlc, Samuel and Momodu, Wisdom and Lu, Shanel and Burton, Sharon L and Dutta, Dilip and Manolache, Stelian and Yesdauletova, Ardak and Aitmukhanbet, Yesdauletov and Sakh, Kairat and Shaktiraj, Bhavsar, Proceedings of the Rais Conference: Human Development – A Multidisciplinary Research (November 6, 2017). Proceedings of the Rais Conference: Human Development – A Multidisciplinary Research, November 6-7, 2017, Montgomery County Campus, Rockville, MD, USA; ISBN: 978-1-945298-09-7, Available at SSRN:

Ioan Rotaru (Contact Author)

“Timotheus” Theological Institute in Bucharest ( email )


David C. Ononogbu

University of Nigeria ( email )

184 ogui Road Enugu
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Nsukka, DE Enugu State 410001

Nidhi Kaushal

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee - Department of Applied Science ( email )

Roorkee- Haridwar Highway
Century Road
Roorkee, Uttranachal 247667

Sanjit Mishra

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee - Department of Applied Science ( email )

Roorkee- Haridwar Highway
Century Road
Roorkee, Uttranachal 247667

Samuel Bâlc

Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest ( email )


Wisdom Momodu

Justus Liebig University Giessen ( email )

Licher Str. 64

Shanel Lu

Independent ( email )

Sharon L Burton

Independent ( email )

Dilip Dutta

University of Sydney Business School ( email )

Cnr. of Codrington and Rose Streets
Sydney, NSW 2006

Stelian Manolache

Ovidius University of Constanţa ( email )

b-dul Mamaia nr. 124
Constanta, 900527

Ardak Yesdauletova

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan ( email )


Yesdauletov Aitmukhanbet

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan ( email )


Kairat Sakh

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan ( email )


Bhavsar Shaktiraj

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) ( email )

Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007

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