On Numerical Methods for Spread Options
31 Pages Posted: 16 Jan 2018
Date Written: January 11, 2018
Spread options are multi-asset options whose payoffs depend on the difference of two underlying financial variables. In most cases, analytically closed form solutions for pricing such payoffs are not available, and the application of numerical pricing methods turns out to be non-trivial. We consider several such non-trivial cases and explore the performance of the highly efficient numerical technique of Hurd and Zhou (2010), comparing this with Monte Carlo simulation and the lower bound approximation formula of Caldana and Fusai (2013). We show that the former is in essence an application of the two–dimensional Parseval Identity.
As application examples, we price spread options in a model where asset prices are driven by a multivariate normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) process, in a threefactor stochastic volatility model, as well as in examples of models driven by other popular multivariate Lévy processes such as the variance Gamma process, and discuss the price sensitivity with respect to volatility. We also consider examples in the fixed–income market, specifically, on cross–currency interest rate spreads and on LIBOR/OIS spreads. In terms of FFT computation, we have used the FFTW library (see Frigo and Johnson (2010)) and we document appropriate usage of this library to reconcile it with the MATLAB ifft2 counterpart.
Keywords: spread options, numerical methods, Fourier transform, option pricing
JEL Classification: G13, C63
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