Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences No.8/2017
Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti The Centre for Studies and Legal and Socio - Administrative Research, Administrative Research Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences, ISSN 2392 - 8298 ISSN - L 2392 - 8298
The Journal is edited by the Centre for Studies and Legal and Socio-Administrative Research (CSCJSA) within the "Petroleum Gas" University of Ploieştit through the Publishing House Petroleum and Gas University of Ploiesti and comprises articles, studies and reviews in the legal and socio-administrative domains. A significant part of the articles published focuses on European issues. The Journal appears in on-line format. The articles are published in the English language.
Keywords: Socio-Administrative, administrative law, public law, public economics
Apostolache, Mihai and Calcan, Gheorghe and Paul Modrea, Mihaela Cristina and Stanciulescu, Daniela and Sandu, Adriana Magdalena and Moise, Adrian Cristian and Vasilescu, Gabriela and Duminică, Ramona and Ilie, Diana Maria and BĂDAN, Ileana and Andreescu, Marius and Puran, Andra and Tutunaru, Mircea and Diaconu, Nicoleta and Badescu, Valentin Stelian and Vieriu, Eufemia and Vieriu, Dumitru and Lazar, Cornel and LAZĂR, Mirela, Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences No.8/2017 (December 15, 2017). Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti The Centre for Studies and Legal and Socio - Administrative Research, Administrative Research Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences, ISSN 2392 - 8298 ISSN - L 2392 - 8298, Available at SSRN:
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Peter L. Lindseth at University of Connecticut School of Law
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