Discrimination Directed Toward Conservative Women
28 Pages Posted: 2 Mar 2018 Last revised: 29 May 2018
Date Written: February 20, 2018
In two investigations White conservative women and African American conservative women were surveyed with regard to perceived discrimination toward each of their multiple minority categories. Both studies yielded the same results: (1) White women rated perceived discrimination toward their conservative political viewpoint significantly higher than that toward their gender; (2) Among African American conservative women the perceived discrimination toward their race was rated higher than that toward either their political viewpoint or their gender, which did not differ significantly from each other; (3) perceived discrimination on any dimension was not related to whether one was currently in college (or very recently graduated) versus whether one had graduated between 1 and 10 years earlier (Study 1) or between 5 and 10 years earlier (Study 2).
Keywords: discrimination, racism, sexism, political viewpoint, conservatism
JEL Classification: D63
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