Customer Ratings as a Vector for Discrimination in Employment Relations? Pathways and Pitfalls for Legal Remedies

Proceedings of the Marco Biagi Conference 2018

17 Pages Posted: 20 Mar 2018 Last revised: 18 Apr 2018

See all articles by Rossana Ducato

Rossana Ducato

School of Law, University of Aberdeen; Université Catholique de Louvain

Miriam Kullmann

Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Law, Social Law Division; affiliation not provided to SSRN

Marco Rocca

CNRS - University of Strasbourg - UMR 7354

Date Written: January 31, 2018


The use of customer ratings to evaluate worker performance is increasingly worrisome because of its widespread use in the gig-economy. As scholars in computer and social sciences denounce, this practice entails the risk of producing discriminatory outcomes, by reproducing biases existing in society. By drawing an analogy with discriminatory practices adopted by an employer to satisfy its customers’ preferences, we propose a legal analysis of this phenomenon grounded in EU non-discrimination law. Thus, we first analyse the issues related to the application of non-discrimination law to (alleged) self-employed workers. Then, we address the lack of access for the individual worker to the data regarding customers’ ratings. We conclude by arguing that the use of customer ratings should be considered as a suspect criterion, while the current (EU) non-discrimination laws should be modernised through a clearer inclusion of (alleged) self-employed workers.

Keywords: discrimination, data protection, ratings, online platforms

Suggested Citation

Ducato, Rossana and Kullmann, Miriam and Kullmann, Miriam and Rocca, Marco, Customer Ratings as a Vector for Discrimination in Employment Relations? Pathways and Pitfalls for Legal Remedies (January 31, 2018). Proceedings of the Marco Biagi Conference 2018, Available at SSRN:

Rossana Ducato

School of Law, University of Aberdeen ( email )

Taylor Building
King's College
Aberdeen, Scotland AB24 3UB
United Kingdom

Université Catholique de Louvain ( email )

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Miriam Kullmann

Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Law, Social Law Division ( email )

Nijmegen, 6500 KK

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affiliation not provided to SSRN

Marco Rocca (Contact Author)

CNRS - University of Strasbourg - UMR 7354 ( email )

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Strasbourg, 3000

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