Misguided Christian Attempts to Serve God Using the Fear of Man
17 Regent U. L. Rev. 31, 2004
46 Pages Posted: 4 May 2018
Date Written: April 19, 2018
The purpose of this article is to show that true morality cannot be promoted through the human law. This article will first present a biblical understanding of the role of human authority in Part II, beginning with the Genesis accounts of the Creation and the fall of man and ending with the teachings of Jesus and His apostles. Next, in Part III, the article will describe the distinctively Christian teaching on the response to human authority as an instrument of God’s providence. Then, in Part IV, the article will critique the conclusion improperly drawn from God’s ultimate control of all human authority—that human governors are God’s vicegerents. The article will further discuss in Part V some practical problems with attempting to import God’s moral law into positive human law before concluding with advice to the Christian ruler.
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