Integrated Assessment Modeling: Modules for Cooperation

22 Pages Posted: 29 Jul 2002

See all articles by Carlo Jaeger

Carlo Jaeger

GCF - Global Climate Forum e.V.; Beijing Normal University (BNU)

Marian Leimbach

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Carlo Carraro

Ca' Foscari University of Venice; CMCC - Euro Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (Climate Policy Division); IPCC; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute); Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels; Green Growth Knowledge Platform

Klaus Hasselmann

Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law

Jean-Charles Hourcade

CIRED, International Research Center on Environment & Development, France

Andrew Keeler

University of Georgia - Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics

Rupert Klein

Center for Scientific Computing Berlin (ZIB); Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

Date Written: July 2002


An integrated assessment (IA) model combines knowledge from very different disciplines in view of a practical problem. Most models developed so far are rather monolithic in the sense that it is difficult to combine components from different models for purposes of new assessments. We propose to develop a modular approach to IA based on advances in knowledge management as well as in object oriented software engineering. The incentive structure of modular IA is based on turning the knowledge produced neither into public nor into private, but rather into club goods. Competition amongst modelers becomes a process of discovery at the level of module design and module coupling, with strong synergies between competing teams. Together they develop a community pool of IAM-modules, along with software and know-how for running them in varying combinations.

Keywords: Modular Integrated Assessment, Knowledge Management, Decision Support

JEL Classification: A12, B41, C80

Suggested Citation

Jaeger, Carlo and Leimbach, Marian and Carraro, Carlo and Hasselmann, Klaus and Hourcade, Jean-Charles and Keeler, Andrew and Klein, Rupert, Integrated Assessment Modeling: Modules for Cooperation (July 2002). FEEM Working Paper No. 53.2002, Available at SSRN: or

Carlo Jaeger (Contact Author)

GCF - Global Climate Forum e.V. ( email )

Neue Promenade 6
Berlin, Berlin 10178

Beijing Normal University (BNU) ( email )

19 Xinjiekou Outer St
Haidian District
Beijing, Guangdong 100875

Marian Leimbach

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) ( email )

P.O. Box 601203
14412 Potsdam, Brandenburg

Carlo Carraro

Ca' Foscari University of Venice ( email )

Cannaregio 873
Venice, 30121
+39 04 1234 9166 (Phone)
+39 04 1234 9176 (Fax)


CMCC - Euro Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (Climate Policy Division) ( email )

Via Augusto Imperatore 16
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+39 0832 288650 (Phone)
+39 0832 277603 (Fax)

IPCC ( email )

C/O World Meteorological Organization
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Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

United Kingdom

CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute)

Poschinger Str. 5
Munich, DE-81679

Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels

1 Place du Congres
B-1000 Brussels, 1000
+32 2 229 3911 (Phone)
+32 2 219 4151 (Fax)

Green Growth Knowledge Platform ( email )

International Environment House
11-13 chemin des Anemones
Geneva, 1219


Klaus Hasselmann

Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law ( email )

Mittelweg 187
D-20148 Hamburg

Jean-Charles Hourcade

CIRED, International Research Center on Environment & Development, France ( email )

Campus du Jardin Tropical
45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle
F94736 Nogent sur Marne Cedex

Andrew Keeler

University of Georgia - Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics ( email )

312-C Conner Hall
Athens, GA 30602-7509
United States
706-542-0849 (Phone)
706-542-0739 (Fax)

Rupert Klein

Center for Scientific Computing Berlin (ZIB) ( email )

D-14195 Berlin
+49 30 84185 335 (Phone)
+49 30 84185 107 (Fax)

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) ( email )

P.O. Box 601203
14412 Potsdam, Brandenburg
+49 331 288 2647 (Phone)
+49 331 288 2600 (Fax)