Economic Links between Education and Migration: An Overview
Flash Paper Series, Policy Crossover Center Vienna - Europe, NO. 4/2018
17 Pages Posted: 19 Jun 2018
Date Written: May 1, 2018
Among the many factors governing migration, education plays a major role, though more in the long run than for short-term floods particularly of irregular migration. Concerning the long run effects, the direction of causation and the slope of the connection are debated in theory. Education not only determines the mobility of people, it also is positively correlated with rising incomes. Empirical evidence shows that for people in developing countries, who are at the low end of the income distribution, more education and rising income levels are push factors for emigration. However, beyond a certain threshold further rising incomes tend to retard migration. As a result, education exhibits an inverted-U shaped relationship with migration. Another remarkable fact is that, on average, people who migrate are better educated than non-migrants back home as well as indigenous people in the host country.
Keywords: education, human capital, migration waves, refugees
JEL Classification: F22, F24, I25
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