Rwanda: Recent History (2016)
AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2016, pp. 969-77 (Iain Frame ed., Routledge, 2015)
5 Pages Posted: 22 Jun 2018
Date Written: 2015
This updated annual book chapter — co-authored by Dr. Phil Clark and Dr. Zachary D. Kaufman and based on an earlier version by Dr. Thomas Ofcansky — concerns the recent history of Rwanda. This chapter is published in the 2016 edition of the series, “Africa South of the Sahara,” which is edited by Iain Frame and published by Routledge.
The chapter covers the following topics: - Hutu Ascendancy, - Rebel Invasion and Political Upheaval, - United Nations Intervention - Collapse of Civil Order and Genocide - Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) Offensives and the Refugee Crisis - The RPF Takes Power - Elections and the End of the Transitional Period - Post-Genocide Criminal Justice - Post-Transitional Domestic Politics - Human Rights and Refugee Issues - Regional Concerns - International Relations
Keywords: Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections
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