Stereotype Threat, Role Models, and Demographic Mismatch in an Elite Professional School Setting
45 Pages Posted: 30 Jul 2018 Last revised: 25 Aug 2018
There are 2 versions of this paper
Stereotype Threat, Role Models, and Demographic Mismatch in an Elite Professional School Setting
Stereotype Threat, Role Models, and Demographic Mismatch in an Elite Professional School Setting
Date Written: January 17, 2018
Ten years of administrative data from a diverse, private, top-100 law school are used to examine the ways in which female and nonwhite students benefit from exposure to demographically similar faculty in first-year required law courses. Arguably causal impacts of exposure to same-sex and same-race instructors on course-specific outcomes such as course grades are identified by leveraging conditionally random classroom assignments and a two-way (student and classroom) fixed effects strategy. Having an other-sex instructor reduces the likelihood of receiving a good grade (A or A-) by one percentage point (3%) and having an other-race instructor reduces the likelihood of receiving a good grade by three percentage points (10%). The effects of student-instructor demographic mismatch are particularly salient for nonwhite female students. These results provide novel evidence of the pervasiveness of role-model effects in elite settings and of the graduate-school education production function.
Keywords: Demographic Mismatch, Law School, Gender, Race
JEL Classification: I23, J15, J44
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