International Spillovers of Forward Guidance Shocks

44 Pages Posted: 1 Aug 2018

See all articles by Callum Jones

Callum Jones

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Mariano Kulish

The University of Sydney; Australian National University (ANU) - Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA)

Daniel Rees

Reserve Bank of Australia - Economic Research

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Date Written: May 2018


After 2007, countries that cut their policy interest rates close to zero turned, amongother policies, to forward guidance. We estimate a two-country model of the U.S. andCanada to quantify how unexpected changes in U.S. forward guidance affected Canada.Expansionary U.S. forward guidance shocks, like conventional policy shocks, are beggar-thy-neighborand depress Canadian output, but by twice as much as conventionalshocks. We find that the effect of U.S. forward guidance shocks on Canadian output,unlike conventional policy shocks, depends on the state of U.S. demand and can be fivetimes smaller when U.S. demand is weak.

Keywords: Spillovers, Forward Guidance, Unconventional Monetary Policy, Zero Lower Bound, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects), Open Economy Macroeconomics

JEL Classification: E32, E52, F41

Suggested Citation

Jones, Callum and Kulish, Mariano and Rees, Daniel, International Spillovers of Forward Guidance Shocks (May 2018). IMF Working Paper No. 18/114, Available at SSRN:

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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ( email )

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Mariano Kulish

The University of Sydney ( email )

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Daniel Rees

Reserve Bank of Australia - Economic Research ( email )

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