Creating Markets for Ecosystem Services

Productivity Commission Working Paper No. 1709

76 Pages Posted: 8 Oct 2002

See all articles by Greg Murtough

Greg Murtough

Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Productivity Commission

Barbara Aretino

Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Productivity Commission

Anna Matysek

Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Productivity Commission

Date Written: June 17, 2002


Ecosystem services are the functions performed by ecosystems that lead to desirable environmental outcomes, such as air and water purification, drought and flood mitigation, and climate stabilisation. Markets rarely exist for them. This study examines how newly defined property rights have been used to create markets in Australia and the United States. The Commission found that creating these markets - such as tradeable credits for carbon sequestration - can be an effective way for governments to achieve their environmental goals.

Keywords: regulation, ecosystems, environment, biodiversity, salinity, climate

JEL Classification: Q, R

Suggested Citation

Murtough, Greg and Aretino, Barbara and Matysek, Anna, Creating Markets for Ecosystem Services (June 17, 2002). Productivity Commission Working Paper No. 1709, Available at SSRN: or

Greg Murtough (Contact Author)

Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Productivity Commission ( email )

Level 28
35 Collins St.
Melbourne, Victoria, Victoria 3000

Barbara Aretino

Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Productivity Commission ( email )

Level 28, 35 Collins St
Melbourne, Victoria
+64 3 9653 2201 (Phone)
+64 3 9653 2302 (Fax)

Anna Matysek

Government of the Commonwealth of Australia - Productivity Commission ( email )

Level 28
35 Collins St.
Melbourne, Victoria, Victoria 3000