Free Medical Innovation by Patients – No Producers Required
12 Pages Posted: 12 Sep 2018
Date Written: July 2018
Today, medical patients are increasingly able to develop sophisticated medical device and service innovations to serve their own needs – no producers required. This “free” self-help innovation process greatly benefits medical patients - they can build and use important medical advances that are not commercially available. Patient innovation also can greatly benefit managers of medical producer firms. For them, patient DIY innovation is a form of “free R&D” that can inform and amplify their in-house development efforts. In this brief article we will start with two examples of important, patient-developed medical product and service innovations. Next, we will explain how free patient innovation both complements and supports producer innovation – and how and why it works. Finally, we will explain that essentially the same innovation patterns and lessons apply across all consumer goods fields.
Keywords: innovation, user innovation, patient innovation, medical innovation
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