Labor Tax Reductions in Europe: the Role of Property Taxation
48 Pages Posted: 17 Sep 2018 Last revised: 10 Aug 2023
Date Written: 2023
We study the welfare performance of various simple monetary policy rules under bounded rationality (BR) along the lines of Gabaix (2020) in a New Keynesian model with sticky wages and an effective lower bound (ELB) on interest rates. Policy strategies with a strong history dependence lose their advantage over inflation targeting in mitigating a demand-driven recessions when interest rates are constrained by the ELB. For supply shocks, inflation t argeting o utperforms h istory-dependent r ules f or a s ufficiently high degree of BR. An exponential average inflation targeting rule, which features a variable degree of history dependence, performs remarkably well, independent of the degree of BR.
Keywords: Bounded Rationality, Sticky Wages, Monetary Policy Strategies, Zero LowerBound
JEL Classification: E20, E24, E31, E32, E52
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation