Interpreting Sufficiency in fsQCA: A Reply to Marques and Salavisa (2017)

9 Pages Posted: 20 Nov 2018

See all articles by Svenja Flechtner

Svenja Flechtner

University of Siegen - School of Economic Disciplines

Torsten Heinrich

Faculty for Economics and Business Administration, Chemnitz University of Technology, 09111 Chemnitz, Germany; University of Oxford - Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School; Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change, Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford

Date Written: July 21, 2017


Marques and Salavisa (2017) use fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to analyze age-based labour market dualization in Southern European, Anglo-Saxon and a few Nordic countries. They argue that segmentation at the expense of young outsiders is driven by several factors in non-linear ways: different configurations of deindustrialization, labour market coordination, employment protection, and liberalization can lead to youth outsiderness. We question the validity of their empirical analysis and argue that a more complete interpretation of fsQCA measures of fit does not confirm their conclusions. We use the occasion for a hands-on discussion of how the consistency and PRI scores of the sufficiency solution terms are calculated. A good understanding of these allows the researcher to understand which cases and configurations drive high or low scores, and thus facilitates a better understanding of the results.

Keywords: fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA); labour market; unemployment

JEL Classification: C59; J60

Suggested Citation

Flechtner, Svenja and Heinrich, Torsten, Interpreting Sufficiency in fsQCA: A Reply to Marques and Salavisa (2017) (July 21, 2017). Available at SSRN: or

Svenja Flechtner

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Torsten Heinrich (Contact Author)

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