How the Migration Wave Challenges European Identity
Policy Crossover Center: Vienna-Europe Flash Paper No. 8/2018
10 Pages Posted: 11 Mar 2019
Date Written: December 1, 2018
For extended periods, the European integration project was an unquestioned success story, delivering advances such as the tariff union, the internal market, the single currency, and an ever-increasing number of Member States. European integration now seems to have come to a stalemate, or is even on a retreat, as demonstrated by the British exit vote and the lack of solidarity to jointly handle the immigration problem, fueled by untamed nationalism and populism. The following overview investigates the threat migration and national populism means for the evolving European identity and proposes policies to avert further damage to the European integration project.
Keywords: European Identity, Migration
JEL Classification: A12, E65, F15, F22, F50, J61
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation