Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and perspectives for Romania 15 November, 2018, in Bucharest, Romania
Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and perspectives for Romania 15 November, 2018, in Bucharest, Romania
Number of pages: 350Posted: 09 Feb 2015Last Revised: 10 Mar 2016
Downloads 244
Date Written: November 15, 2018
The volume contains the papers accepted and published in the proceedings of the 9th International symposium entitled: "Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania", organized by the Research Institute for Agriculture Economy and Rural Development - Bucharest, in cooperation with the Institute of Agricultural Economics - Romanian Academy, University of Agrarian Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - The Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development - Bucharest - Romania, Institute for Economy, Finance and Statistics - Chisinau - Republic of Moldova, Institute of Agricultural Economics - Belgrade - Serbia, under the high scientific patronage of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences "Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti", held in Bucharest - Romania, on November 15th, 2018. The proceedings are structured in accordance with the sessions of the symposium: Concepts, evaluations and visions on the dynamics of rural socio-economy; Economy, management and agricultural marketing; Rural development and agricultural policies. In the symposium proceedings, there are shared knowledge, experience and the newest results of the research on agrarian economy and rural development domains, related to: the agri-food trade, the impact of new tax policies in semi-subsistence agriculture, statistical analysis of the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of rural areas, bioeconomy concept - challenges and perspectives for agriculture, land resources - structural evolutions, modernization and socio-economic development of the rural area, rural education, improvement and optimisation of soil conservation system “no tillage”, the analysis of the technico-economic indicators for the main crops, milk sector in international context, vegetable farm structure evolution by standard output, rentability of consumed resources in condition of conventional and ecological operation, analysis of the impact of coupled support in agriculture etc.
The symposium proceedings is structured in 5 specialized sections, where the read my find interesting argues regarding this research field.
Keywords: agriculture, economy, rural development, farm, CAP
Merce, Emilian and Draghici, Manea and Mihai, Berca and Merce, Cristian and Necula, Raluca and Gavrilescu, Camelia and Toma, Camelia and Lup, Aurel and Cristian, Baciu Ionuţ and Iftimoaiei, Ciprian Constantin and Elena, Bularca (Olaru) and Elena, Toma and Rodino, Steliana and Bucur, Sorin and Chitea, Florentina and Dona, Ion and Kruzslicika, Mihaela and Rusu, Marioara and Necula (Ilie), Diana and Liliana, Berevoianu and Grodea, Mariana and Chetan, Felicia and Chetan, Cornel and Simon, Alina and Alin, Popa and Mihai, Popescu and Cristea, Stelica and Chiriac, Andreea-Raluca and Daniela – Ioana, Țeican and Turek-Radoveanu, Petruta and Chetroiu, Rodica and Alboiu, Cornelia and Nica, Maria and RîșNoveanu, Luxița and Dumitru, Eduard and Surca, Daniela Elena and Petre, Ionut Laurentiu and Badan, Daniela Nicoleta and Bratulescu, Alexandra and Cretu, Diana and Vlad, Cristina and Sima, Elena and Ursu, Ana and Elena, Cofas and Pop, Ruxandra and Andreea, Ion and Tudor, Valentina and Mihai, Micu and Smedescu, Dragoș Ion and Carbarău, Cosmina Andreea and Marin, Ancuta and Iurchevici, Lidia, Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania (November 15, 2018). Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - Realities and perspectives for Romania 15 November, 2018, in Bucharest, Romania, Available at SSRN:
European Economics: Agriculture, Natural Resources & Environmental Studies eJournal
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Marco Da Rin at Tilburg University, Department of Finance, Francesco Giavazzi at University of Bocconi - Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER)National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)