Governing Stem Cells: Regenerative Medicine in Europe - The Vision and Recommendations From the EUCelLEX Project

Governing Stem Cells: Regenerative Medicine in Europe,The Vision and Recommendations From the EUCelLEX Project, Edited by Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag (EUCelLEX Consortium), December 2018

113 Pages Posted: 2 Apr 2019

See all articles by Jessica Bell

Jessica Bell

Research Fellow

Natalie Bordag

Medical University of Graz

Pascal Borry

Catholic University of Leuven - Faculty of Medicine - Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law

Jasper Bovenberg

Legal Pathways Life Sciences Law

Georges Dagher

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Jasjote Grewal


Nils Hoppe

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Rosario Isasi

Dpt. of Human Genetics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Jane Kaye

University of Oxford - Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies

Bartha Maria Knoppers

McGill University - Centre for Genomics and Policy

Koko Kwisda

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Michael Morrison

University of Oxford - Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies

Adeline Néron


Herman Nys

KU Leuven

Lisa Oberauner-Wappis

Medical University of Graz

Emmanuelle Rial‐Sebbag

Inserm, UMR 1027

Judit Sandor

Central European University (CEU)

Mahsa Shabani

KU Leuven - Interfaculty Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law

Virginie Tournay


Marton Varju

Hungarian Academy of Sciences CSS Institute for Legal Studies

Kurt Zatloukal

Medical University of Graz - Diagnostic and Research Institute for Pathology

Date Written: December 21, 2018


This book will present globally the main results and findings from the facts and figures collected by the different workpackages through the analysis of the literature, through the interviews and from the tools developed in the project. This material was enriched by the inputs from the external experts we have invited in the two conferences of consensus and from the comments of the various stakeholders. The chapters are based on the same presentation and are divided in two parts: a report and some recommendations either to the Commission or to stakeholders.

Keywords: Governing Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, EUCelLEX project

Suggested Citation

Bell, Jessica and Bordag, Natalie and Borry, Pascal and Bovenberg, Jasper and Dagher, Georges and Grewal, Jasjote and Hoppe, Nils and Isasi, Rosario and Kaye, Jane and Knoppers, Bartha Maria and Kwisda, Koko and Morrison, Michael and Néron, Adeline and Nys, Herman and Oberauner-Wappis, Lisa and Rial‐Sebbag, Emmanuelle and Sandor, Judit and Shabani, Mahsa and Tournay, Virginie and Varju, Marton and Zatloukal, Kurt, Governing Stem Cells: Regenerative Medicine in Europe - The Vision and Recommendations From the EUCelLEX Project (December 21, 2018). Governing Stem Cells: Regenerative Medicine in Europe,The Vision and Recommendations From the EUCelLEX Project, Edited by Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag (EUCelLEX Consortium), December 2018, Available at SSRN:

Jessica Bell

Research Fellow ( email )

185 Pelham Street
Carlton, 3010

Natalie Bordag

Medical University of Graz ( email )

Auenbruggerpl. 2
Graz, 8036

Pascal Borry

Catholic University of Leuven - Faculty of Medicine - Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law ( email )

Oude Markt 13
Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant

Jasper Bovenberg

Legal Pathways Life Sciences Law

Haarlem, 2111XS

Georges Dagher

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) ( email )

101 rue de Tolbiac
75654 Paris Cedex 13

Jasjote Grewal



Nils Hoppe

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Welfengarten 1
D-30167 Hannover, 30167

Rosario Isasi

Dpt. of Human Genetics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine ( email )

Miami, FL 33136
United States

Jane Kaye

University of Oxford - Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies ( email )

University of Oxford
Oxford, OX2 7DD
United Kingdom

Bartha Maria Knoppers

McGill University - Centre for Genomics and Policy ( email )

740 Dr. Penfield Avenue, Suite 5200
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G1

Koko Kwisda

Leibniz Universität Hannover

Schneiderberg 50
Hannover, 30167

Michael Morrison

University of Oxford - Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies

University of Oxford
Oxford, OX2 7DD
United Kingdom

Adeline Néron

IFRIS ( email )

5, boulevard Descartes
Marne la Vallée, 77454

Herman Nys

KU Leuven ( email )

Oude Markt 13
Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant

Lisa Oberauner-Wappis

Medical University of Graz

Auenbruggerpl. 2
Graz, 8036

Emmanuelle Rial‐Sebbag (Contact Author)

Inserm, UMR 1027


Judit Sandor

Central European University (CEU) ( email )

Nador utca 9
Budapest, H-1051

Mahsa Shabani

KU Leuven - Interfaculty Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law ( email )

Oude Markt 13
Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant 3000

Virginie Tournay


Rue de l'Université 13

Marton Varju

Hungarian Academy of Sciences CSS Institute for Legal Studies ( email )

Orszaghaz u 30.
Budapest, 1015

Kurt Zatloukal

Medical University of Graz - Diagnostic and Research Institute for Pathology ( email )

Neue Stiftingtalstrasse 6
A-8010 Graz
+43-316-385-71731 (Phone)

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