How to Design and Conduct Negotiation Simulations in Contract Drafting Courses
20 Tenn. J. Bus. L. 661 (2019)
11 Pages Posted: 22 Apr 2019
Date Written: October 29, 2018
In any law school course, the most common type of exercise used to teach negotiation skills is a simulated negotiation based on a hypothetical fact pattern. This type of activity is ubiquitous in classes that are dedicated to negotiation skills, but it can also be useful in contract drafting courses. This article focuses on transactional negotiation simulations in the latter context, though most of its suggestions apply equally to these exercises in any course.
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Thomas, Naveen, How to Design and Conduct Negotiation Simulations in Contract Drafting Courses (October 29, 2018). 20 Tenn. J. Bus. L. 661 (2019), Available at SSRN:
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