Aerosol Growth in a Post Combustion CO2 Capture Absorber Using the 2-Amino-2-Methyl-1-Propanol/Piperazine (CESAR 1) Solvent
8 Pages Posted: 4 Apr 2019 Last revised: 7 May 2019
A blend of 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP)/ Piperazine (Pz), known as the CESAR 1 solvent, has been widely studied in different aspects like physical, transport and thermal properties; kinetic, mass transfer properties and equilibrium properties. The solvent has shown a potential to be better than the benchmarking solvent 30 mass% MEA. In this work, we report on an e-NRTL model for the system and compare with experimental data. Further, results from an aerosol growth model are presented. This is important to understand the performance of the solvent with regard to emissions.
Keywords: PCC: Amine aerosols, CESAR1; Modeling; e-NRTL; GHGT-14
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