CO2 Storage with Mobility Control
14 Pages Posted: 4 Apr 2019 Last revised: 9 May 2019
The high mobility contrast between injected CO2 and the formation brine at reservoir conditions makes the displacement efficiency low and can give early breakthrough of injected CO2 into brine extraction wells for pressure management, or early reaching of spill points in structural traps. The storage capacity could in many cases be increased if efficient mobility control methods could be implemented for the injected CO2. In this paper we investigate the potential benefits of mobility control for CO2 injection in saline aquifers using both a commercial reservoir simulator and a specially developed module for the Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox. The mobility control method investigated is surfactants for foam generation. These exists today both as water soluble and CO2 soluble surfactants, and the efficiency of both types are studied. Rough estimates of the cost of additional storage capacity are made. Results show that the storage capacity in some cases can be more than doubled, at a cost the order of 7 $ per additional tonne of stored CO2.
Keywords: Storage reservoir engineering, GHGT-14
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