Dynamics of Complex Service Systems
NERCCS 2019: Second Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems, April 3-5, 2019, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, USA
1 Pages Posted: 3 Oct 2019 Last revised: 14 Nov 2019
Date Written: 2019
This article suggests that important trends in education can be understood if we view and study universities as complex systems that provide educational services. Methodologically, we draw on the service science theoretical framework, which we adapt to education, and then supplement our analysis with a computational model. We build a system dynamics model that represents a typical US university. The model takes into account complex interrelationships between faculty, physical plant, tuition revenue, financials, reputation and service outcomes. We use the model to analyze the strategic behavior and resulting dynamics of a typical tuition-based university in the context of rapid and accelerating transformation caused by market forces.
Keywords: service science; higher education; university management; systems thinking
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