Dangerous Speech - Some Legislative Proposals

23 Pages Posted: 17 Dec 2019 Last revised: 18 Dec 2019

Date Written: April 20, 2019


This paper considers steps that can be taken to legislate against hate speech.

The first issue is the term “hate speech” itself and, in light of the proposals advanced, this emotive and largely meaningless term should be replaced with that of “dangerous speech” which more adequately encapsulates the nature of the harm that the law should address.

The existing criminal provisions relating to what I call communications offences are outlined. Proposals are advanced for an addition to the Crimes Act to fill what appears to be a gap in the communications offences and which should be available to both individuals and groups. A brief discussion then follows about section 61 of the Human Rights Act and section 22 of the Harmful Digital Communications Act. It is suggested that major changes to these pieces of legislation is unnecessary.

Communications offences inevitably involve a tension with the freedom of expression under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act and the discussion demonstrates that the proposal advanced are a justifiable limitation on freedom of expression, but also emphasizes that a diverse society must inevitably contain a diversity of opinion which should be freely expressed.

Keywords: Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech

Suggested Citation

Harvey, David John, Dangerous Speech - Some Legislative Proposals (April 20, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3496363 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3496363

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