Optimal Makespan for the Coupled Task Ordered Flow-Shop

12 Pages Posted: 19 Feb 2020

See all articles by Mostafa Khatami

Mostafa Khatami

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Amir Salehipour

University of Technology Sydney, Australia; University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Date Written: January 24, 2020


The ordered flow-shop scheduling problem deals with the case where processing times follow a specific structure. We extend the ordered flow-shop scheduling to the coupled tasks setting, i.e., the coupled task ordered flow-shop, in which an exact delay exists between the consecutive tasks of each job. The aim is to minimize the makespan. The coupled task flow-shop with distinct delays between the consecutive tasks of the jobs is known to be strongly NP-hard, even for two machines and the unit execution time tasks. We investigate the problem when delays follow the ordered structure and show that the optimal permutation schedule has the pyramidal-shaped property. We also introduce two polynomially solvable cases.

Keywords: ordered flow-shop, coupled task, exact delays, pyramidal property, makespan

Suggested Citation

Khatami, Mostafa and Salehipour, Amir and Salehipour, Amir, Optimal Makespan for the Coupled Task Ordered Flow-Shop (January 24, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3524740 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3524740

Mostafa Khatami

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) ( email )

15 Broadway, Ultimo
PO Box 123
Sydney, NSW 2007

Amir Salehipour (Contact Author)

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) ( email )

15 Broadway, Ultimo
PO Box 123
Sydney, NSW 2007

University of Technology Sydney, Australia ( email )

Ultimo, NSW 2007

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