Relationship between Self-Esteem, Academic Procrastination and Test Anxiety with Academic Achievement of Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Students in Delta State University, Abraka.

International Scholars Journal of Arts and Social Science Research, 2020

11 Pages Posted: 19 Mar 2020

See all articles by K. R. E. Okoye

K. R. E. Okoye

Nnamdi Azikiwe University - Department of Vocational Education

Michel Oghenekaro Onokpaunu

Nnamdi Azikiwe University - Department of Vocational Education

Date Written: February 15, 2020


In order execute this study, three research questions were raised and three null hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance. Correlational-descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The entire population of 43 PGDE students were studied without sampling. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Abu-Ghazal’s Academic Procrastination Questionnaire and Suinn’s Test Anxiety Questionnaire with reliability coefficients of .92, .83 and .86 were used as instruments for the study. Achievement scores obtained in Educational Statistics and Introduction to Special Education with permission of the Head of the Department, Educational Foundations, Delta State University, Abraka, were collected and used to determine the academic achievement of PGDE students. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used for data analysis. Findings of the study revealed a positive and significant relationship between self-esteem and academic achievement among PGDE students. The study discovered a negative and significant relationship between academic procrastination and academic achievement. Also, the study disclosed a negative and significant relationship between test anxiety and academic achievement. The study concluded that, PGDE students must design time management strategies in order to create a balance between their professional life and postgraduate studies in order to attain optimal academic performance. It was recommended among others that management of universities running post-graduate programmes should implement flexible assessment and evaluation techniques in measuring the academic success of PGDE students in order to reduce the negative effects of test anxiety and academic procrastination on their academic engagements.

Keywords: education, vocational

Suggested Citation

Okoye, K. R. E. and Onokpaunu, Michel Oghenekaro, Relationship between Self-Esteem, Academic Procrastination and Test Anxiety with Academic Achievement of Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Students in Delta State University, Abraka. (February 15, 2020). International Scholars Journal of Arts and Social Science Research, 2020, Available at SSRN:

K. R. E. Okoye

Nnamdi Azikiwe University - Department of Vocational Education


Michel Oghenekaro Onokpaunu (Contact Author)

Nnamdi Azikiwe University - Department of Vocational Education ( email )


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