Collaborative Е-Rulemaking, Democratic Bots, and the Future of Digital Democracy
Digit. Gov.: Res. Pract. 1, 1, Article 8 (January 2020), 13 pages. DOI/10.1145/3352463
13 Pages Posted: 11 Sep 2020 Last revised: 12 Sep 2020
Date Written: March 2, 2020
This article focuses on “deliberative e-rulemaking”: digital consultation processes that seek to facilitate public deliberation over policy or regulatory proposals [1, 2]. The main challenge of е-rulemaking platforms is to support an “intelligent” deliberative process that enables decision makers to identify a wide range of options, weigh the relevant considerations, and develop epistemically responsible solutions. This article discusses and critiques two approaches to this challenge: The Cornell RegulationRoom project and model of computationally assisted regulatory participation by Livermore et al. It then proceeds to explore two alternative approaches to e-rulemaking: One is based on the implementation of collaborative, wiki-styled tools. This article discusses the findings of an experiment, which was conducted at Bar-Ilan University and explored various aspects of a wiki-based collaborative е-rulemaking system. The second approach follows a more futuristic Approach, focusing on the potential development of autonomous, artificial democratic agents. This article critically discusses this alternative, also in view of the recent debate regarding the idea of “augmented democracy.”
Keywords: collaborative е-rulemaking, digital democracy, public good, e-democracy artificial agents, social bots, augmented democracy
JEL Classification: K11
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