Analysis of Women March Day in the World and Its Impact on Women Culture in Pakistan
31 Pages Posted: 24 Mar 2020
Date Written: March 9, 2020
The study was carried out since March, 2020. The major objective was to analyze women March in the world and its impact on women culture in Pakistan. Secondary data were used and total 23 articles were downloaded from the net while read these article 5 to 10 times and analyzed the situation and draw the conclusion about the Women March day in the world. The review indicates that the first International Women’s Day held on March 19 in 1911. In China women day program was started since 1949. The United Nation has first celebrated this women day since 1975 while in 1977 UN proclaimed 8 March an official day for women rights and world peace. Similarly Jimmy Carter in US celebrated this day since 1980 while in Rome started after World War-II. And now this day was celebrated every year by world nation. This program main objective is to give equal right to women and treated to them as like men. Top 10 countries of the world who prefer to women in the world are Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, Rwanda and Germany respectively. International Men’s Day is also celebrated on November 19 each year in the world. The highest parity rate is of the Iceland which is 0.877 and the Germany parity rate is 0.787 while the developing countries average rate is very low and the European countries are high. Western Europe has taken the largest strides toward parity, currently at 76.7%, closely followed by North America at 72.9%. South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa are at the lower end of the scale, with parity sitting between 60.5% and 66.1%. However, these figures don’t factor in overall trends and timelines. SDG5 work for Gender inequality in the world by UNO and they focus mostly on women right and they stress that how to develop the women in different sector of the economy in the world. They try that how to empower them as like men in the world. So, different projects are working for women development in the world by UNO. While international labor organization also struggled for that to give equal wage to women in the employment as well as equal right in employment in the world. Similarly ILO also focuses on the maternity leave of the women. Everywhere different conferences have been arranged, for uplifting the women. Similarly every year women day is celebrated by each country of the world while women day are also celebrated by UNO every year. The women major issues are employment, right in land, fighting problems with sons, brothers and husband in daily life and sometime the divorce.. Islam has stressed on the women rights and told that women should be treated well because without women the development of the country is impossible. Islam has stressed mostly for women education while now a day women want part in every sector of the ministries and they have raised slogan everywhere in the world for their rights in the march day. Now a day in Women March the majority women try for their due right while some women raised hand against the Islamic principles and told that during slogan “This is my willing and this is my body and no one has right to ask me in this world what am I doing”. I am free and my husband and my son and other person of the house has no right to ask from me what are you doing. Similarly now a day on 8th March women March was held in other countries of the world but it was good and those women fight only for their due right while in Pakistan the situation is different and mostly they have raised hand against the Islamic principles. The women March has disturbed the culture of the Pakistani Community and now a tussle between women and men has been raised in Pakistan. The Islamic ideals are also in the ground and they stress to imran Khan to stop such type activities in the country because in the long run it will ruin the society of the Pakistani Community. In Islam everything is cleared and have mentioned the right of the women brightly and no women has right to go outside the home without husband permission. Many problems were raised by this March by women. Few women are in the March and they raised slogan against the Islam and told that my willing and my body and no one has right to ask from me what are we doing and these bad words have written on cards and hands and also they have raised the voice against the Islamic Principles in the March. This type activity create unfavorable environment in the country and make the country unfavorable for further development. On the basis of problems the study recommend that to not allow such type activities in the world which disturb the culture as well as the world decorum; Islamic principles should not be crossed by women in the March; Never raise the hand against the Islamic principle during March by women; Proper way should be used for the right of women; Never use abuse language during March by women; Think before you speak methodology should be used; Cover your face in the March and never allow men in the March; Security should be kept tight for peace; During discussion Islamic principles should be used and never go against Islam.
Keywords: Analysis, Women March, World, Impact, Culture, Pakistan
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