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Clinical Characteristics of 545 Cases Confirmed COVID-19 in Wuhan Stadium Cabin Hospital
17 Pages Posted: 24 Mar 2020
Background: In order to report the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 Patients in Wuhan Stadium Cabin Hospital in Hubei Province.
Methods: A total of 545 patients with mild and moderate types of coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) treated in the Wuhan Stadium Cabin Hospital were selected from Feb 13 to Feb 29, 2020, and their general information, epidemiological history, incidence, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging data, treatment and prognosis were collected for analysis.
Finding: The total 545 patients were from 11 to 78 years old, with a median age of 50 years, 264 males (48.44%) and 281 females (51.56%), there were 423 cases (77.61%) with no smoking history, 122 cases (22.39%) with a history of smoking. The main clinical symptoms were fever and cough, which accounted for 284 (51.92%) and 382 cases (70.09%), the other symptoms included 77 cases (14.77%) of fatigue and muscle aches, 89 cases (16.27%) of dyspnea, 95 cases (17.37%) of chest tightness, 52 cases (9.51%) of headache, diarrhea was uncommon, only 49 cases (8.96%). On admission, ground-glass opacity was the most common radiologic finding from chest computed tomography (CT) scanning (50.64%), 108 cases (19.82%) had no abnormal density shadow, 29 cases (5.32%) had consolidation, 87 cases (15.96%) had nodular lesion, and 45 cases (8.25%) had interstitial abnormalities. Lymphocytopenia was present in 403 cases (73.94%) of the patients on admission, and C-reactive protein had a slight elevated in 543 cases (99.63%). Up to now, 468 cases (85.77%) were discharged from the hospital, and no patient died, the average hospital stay for discharge patients was 15 days.
Interpretation: Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease, and mostly are middle-aged and elderly cases, there is no significant difference between males and females. Fever, cough, and fatigue are most the clinical manifestations. Blood tests suggest that white blood cells are most normal and lymphocytes are reduced, C-reactive protein is slightly elevated, and imaging findings are of guiding significance for diagnosis of the disease and therapeutic effect. At the same time of antiviral treatment, pay attention to nutritional support and gastrointestinal function protection, combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment is very important. Early diagnosis, isolation, and treatment are essential and critical to control the disease. Cabin hospital, as a fast and effective method for centralized isolation and treatment of patients with infectious diseases, can provide a valuable experience in dealing with public emergency incident.
Funding Statement: None.
Declaration of Interests: Lei Shu, Xiaoyan Wang, Xiaolin Chen, Mingquan Li, Lei Shi, Mingjing Wu, Kaili Deng, Jing Wei, Xueli Wang, Yang Cao, Jiaxin Yan, Ganzhu Feng declared that there were no competing interests.
Ethics Approval Statement: The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Wuhan Stadium Cabin Hospital, and the written informed consent was waived because of the retrospective nature of the study and belongs to emergency medical service.
Keywords: Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19); clinical characteristics; coronavirus pneumonia
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation