Part I sets forth the V-Dem conceptual scheme. Part II discusses the process of data collection. Part III describes the measurement model along with efforts to identify and correct errors.
Coppedge, Michael and Gerring, John and Knutsen, Carl Henrik and Lindberg, Staffan I. and Teorell, Jan and Marquardt, Kyle L. and Medzihorsky, Juraj and Pemstein, Daniel and Alizada, Nazifa and Gastaldi, Lisa and Hindle, Garry and von Römer, Johannes and Tzelgov, Eitan and Wang, Yi-ting and Wilson, Steven and Altman, David and Bernhard, Michael and Cornell, Agnes and Fish, M. Steven and Gjerløw, Haakon and Glynn, Adam and Hicken, Allen and McMann, Kelly M. and Paxton, Pamela and Seim, Brigitte and Staton, Jeffrey K. and Wig, Tore and Ziblatt, Daniel, Methodology V10 (March 20, 2020). V-Dem Working Paper Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: or