#21N (#21N)

108 Pages Posted: 7 May 2020

See all articles by Francesco Bogliacino

Francesco Bogliacino

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

Sandra Rojas-Berrio

National University of Colombia - Management and Accounting School

Daniel Castellanos

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Julio Cesar Chamorro

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

David Forero

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

Mauricio Gómez Villegas

National University of Colombia - School of Management and Accounting

Andrea del Pilar González Peña

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

Gustavo Adolfo Junca Rodriguez

National University of Colombia

Luis Eduardo Reina Bermúdez

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

Jorge Armando Rodriguez

National University of Colombia

Ivan Leonardo Urrea-Ríos

University of Pittsburgh

Federico Yepes Chica

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

Jesús Alberto Villamil

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

Alexander Rincón Ruiz

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics

Date Written: April 13, 2020


Spanish Abstract: A partir del 21 de noviembre 2019 (#21N) en Colombia se ha abierto un ciclo de movilizaciones y protestas sin precedentes en la historia del país. En las múltiples instancias de discusión y asambleas, uno de los llamados de movimientos y organizaciones ha sido dirigido hacia la Academia para que aporte con análisis y propuestas. Desde la Dirección del CID se ha considerado importante involucrar docentes e investigadores para que respondan a ese llamado.

Este documento es el resultado de este esfuerzo. Como siempre, los autores tenían completa libertad de enfoque y posición teórica.

English Abstract: On November 21st 2019, (#21N) a cycle of mobilizations and protests has begun in Colombia that is unprecedented in the country's history. In the multiple instances of discussion and assembly, one of the calls from movements and organizations has been directed towards the Academia to contribute with analysis and proposals. The Direction of the CID has considered it important to involve faculties and researchers to respond to this call.This document is the result of this effort. As always, the authors had complete freedom of approach and theoretical position.

Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.

Keywords: Paro; Pensiones; Instituciones; Tierra; Ambiente; Pensamiento Feminista; Holding; Financiarización; Líderes Sociales; Género

JEL Classification: B52; B54; D02; D15; D30; D63; E12; E24; E69; G15; G23; G28; G51; H10; H11; H20; H50

Suggested Citation

Bogliacino, Francesco and Rojas Berrio, Sandra and Castellanos, Daniel and Chamorro, Julio Cesar and Forero, David and Gómez Villegas, Mauricio and González Peña, Andrea del Pilar and Junca Rodriguez, Gustavo Adolfo and Reina Bermúdez, Luis Eduardo and Rodriguez, Jorge Armando and Urrea-Ríos, Ivan Leonardo and Yepes Chica, Federico and Villamil, Jesús Alberto and Rincón Ruiz, Alexander, #21N (#21N) (April 13, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3574836 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3574836

Francesco Bogliacino (Contact Author)

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

Sandra Rojas Berrio

National University of Colombia - Management and Accounting School ( email )

Calle 45 carrera 30

HOME PAGE: http://www.hermes.unal.edu.co/pages/Docentes/Docente.jsf;jsessionid=2978F334BE0AF41EF99031F4CA0B3151

Daniel Castellanos

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Julio Cesar Chamorro

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

David Forero

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

Mauricio Gómez Villegas

National University of Colombia - School of Management and Accounting ( email )

Calle 45 carrera 30
57-1-3165000 ext 12392 (Phone)

Andrea del Pilar González Peña

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

Gustavo Adolfo Junca Rodriguez

National University of Colombia ( email )

Carrera 30 45-03
Bogota, None

Luis Eduardo Reina Bermúdez

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

Jorge Armando Rodriguez

National University of Colombia ( email )

Carrera 30 45-03
Bogota, None

Ivan Leonardo Urrea-Ríos

University of Pittsburgh ( email )

4901 Wesley Posvar Hall
230 South Bouquet Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
United States
+14129833136 (Phone)
15213 (Fax)

Federico Yepes Chica

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

Jesús Alberto Villamil

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

Alexander Rincón Ruiz

National University of Colombia - Department of Economics ( email )

Carrera 30 Calle 45 Ciudad Universitaria

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