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Direct Medical Expense of COVID-19 Patients at Fangcang Shelter Hospital and Leishenshan Designated Hospital in Wuhan, China

27 Pages Posted: 23 Apr 2020

See all articles by Feifei Yan

Feifei Yan

Wuhan University - Department of Orthopedics

Xinge Zhang

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences

Mengxue Zhang

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences

Ming Gong

Wuhan University - Department of Orthopedics

Justin B. Moore

Wake Forest University - Department of Family and Community Medicine

Jialin Fu

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences

Jiajia Dang

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences

Rui Li

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences

Lin Cai

Wuhan University - Department of Orthopedics



Background: COVID-19 has become a global public health emergency. While little is known about the economic cost of diagnosing and treating COVID-19 inpatients.

Methods: All COVID-19 patients (N=1634) admitted to a Fangcang shelter hospital and a random sample of 217 cases admitted to Leishenshan hospital, a hospital designated to admit COVID-19 patients only, were included. Demographic information, clinical, and medical cost data were extracted and a systematic description of direct medical costs across mild, moderate, severe and critical cases of COVID-19 was performed. Linear regression models were conducted to identify the predictors of costs.

Results: Medications made up the biggest proportion of costs (66·27%), followed by radiological examinations (19·63%) and laboratory tests (14·10%). The Fangcang shelter hospital spent on average 1769·56 and 2094·69 CNY for per mild case and per moderate case, respectively. At Leishenshan hospital, only one mild case was included, costing 7899·44 CNY overall. The average cost was 7386·38 CNY per moderate case, 12426·38 CNY per severe case, and 115171·70 CNY per critical case. Gender, history of chronic disease and transfers were predictive of higher medical cost, while the duration of hospitalization was positively associated with higher costs but negatively associated with daily costs, and death significantly increased the medical cost.

Conclusions: This study, described the direct medical costs of treatment of patients with varying degrees of COVID-19 severity, and mild/moderate cases were recommended to be admitted to Fangcang shelter hospitals, rather than designated hospitals. Several predictors of medical costs were identified, but more studies are warranted.

Funding Statement: This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Plan of China (Grant No. 2020YFC0845500).

Declaration of Interests: The authors declare no competing interests.

Ethics Approval Statement: This study was approved by the Zhongnan Hospital Ethics Committee (No. 2020083K).

Keywords: COVID-19, Fangcang shelter hospital, economic cost

Suggested Citation

Yan, Feifei and Zhang, Xinge and Zhang, Mengxue and Gong, Ming and Moore, Justin B. and Fu, Jialin and Dang, Jiajia and Li, Rui and Cai, Lin, Direct Medical Expense of COVID-19 Patients at Fangcang Shelter Hospital and Leishenshan Designated Hospital in Wuhan, China (4/10/2020). Available at SSRN: or

Feifei Yan (Contact Author)

Wuhan University - Department of Orthopedics ( email )

Wuhan, 430071

Xinge Zhang

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences ( email )


Mengxue Zhang

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences ( email )


Ming Gong

Wuhan University - Department of Orthopedics ( email )

Wuhan, 430071

Justin B. Moore

Wake Forest University - Department of Family and Community Medicine ( email )

Winston-Salem, NC 27157
United States

Jialin Fu

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences ( email )


Jiajia Dang

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences ( email )


Rui Li

Wuhan University - School of Health Sciences ( email )


Lin Cai

Wuhan University - Department of Orthopedics ( email )

Wuhan, 430071
+862767813073 (Phone)