The Asymmetry in Responsible Investing Preferences and Beliefs
62 Pages Posted: 21 May 2020 Last revised: 17 Sep 2023
There are 2 versions of this paper
The Asymmetry in Responsible Investing Preferences and Beliefs
The Asymmetry in Responsible Investing Preferences
Date Written: September 14, 2023
Empirical stylized facts in the literature concerning “sin” versus “angel” stocks display asymmetry. Through an experiment, we examine whether such biases can be micro- founded via individuals’ preferences and belief formations. We find that negative environmental and social externalities have thrice the impact of positive externalities on investment choices. Further, negative externalities modestly increase pessimism about investment prospects while positive externalities have no discernible impact. The asymmetry is pervasive, heterogeneous, and comparable to the magnitude observed in loss-aversion. Beyond rationalizing stylized empirical facts, our findings should help direct the growing theoretical literature that models the implications of non-pecuniary individual investor behavior.
Keywords: Social Preferences, Responsible Investment (RI), Social Responsible Investment (SRI)
JEL Classification: G11, G41, C91
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