On Coase and COVID-19

Allen, D.W.E, Berg, C., Davidson, S., Potts, J. (2022) 'On Coase and COVID-19', European Journal of Law and Economics.

19 Pages Posted: 26 Apr 2020 Last revised: 26 Apr 2022

See all articles by Darcy W E Allen

Darcy W E Allen

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technolog (RMIT University)

Chris Berg

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technolog (RMIT University)

Sinclair Davidson

RMIT University

Jason Potts

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technolog (RMIT University)

Date Written: April 21, 2022


From an epidemiological perspective, the COVID-19 pandemic is a public health crisis. From an economic perspective, it is an externality and a social cost. Strikingly, almost all economic policy to address the infection externality has been formulated within a Pigovian analysis of implicit taxes and subsidies directed by a social planner drawing on social cost-benefit analysis. In this paper we examine the alternative economic methodology of the externality. We seek to understand how an exchange-focused and institutional analysis provides a better understanding of how to minimise social cost. Our Coasean framework allows us to further develop a comparative institutional analysis of the pandemic response.

Keywords: COVID-19, Coase theorem, externality

JEL Classification: D73, H23

Suggested Citation

Allen, Darcy W E and Berg, Chris and Davidson, Sinclair and Potts, Jason, On Coase and COVID-19 (April 21, 2022). Allen, D.W.E, Berg, C., Davidson, S., Potts, J. (2022) 'On Coase and COVID-19', European Journal of Law and Economics. , Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3585509 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3585509

Darcy W E Allen

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technolog (RMIT University) ( email )

Melbourne, 3000

Chris Berg (Contact Author)

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technolog (RMIT University) ( email )

124 La Trobe Street
Melbourne, 3000

Sinclair Davidson

RMIT University ( email )

124 La Trobe Street
Melbourne, 3000

Jason Potts

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technolog (RMIT University) ( email )

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