Effects of Social Stigma on the Sick People of COVID-2019 in the Community of the World
48 Pages Posted: 20 May 2020
Date Written: May 13, 2020
Social stigma is the fear and terror which disturb the function of the mind and latter on affect the other system of the body. Seeing to its importance the present study was arranged since 13th, May, 2020. The major objective was that to see the effects of social stigma on the sick people of COVID2019 in the community of the world. Secondary data was used and total 25 articles were downloaded from the net and read many times and analyzed the situation and wrote the result. The result indicates that social stigma and covid-2019 have a positive relationship. The Corona is not so danger but the social stigma creates different problems in the community of the world which not only kill the human being but also affect their socioeconomic condition and ruin the economy of the world. The people feel terror and fear and because of this mind disturb which further affect other function of the human being which latter on affect the economic development of the world. The social stigma is link with different factors, such as racism, tobacco, poverty. nationalism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, ageism, fake media, less fund, less medical facilities, less doctors, less transport facilities. Non Locked down of boundaries, and Good supervision. So WHO explain that only listen to those media which are true and avoid that media which is fake in the world. Now a day on YouTube different type videos are uploaded but everyone only focus on the view and want that how to increase their view about COVID-2019 for earn the money. Such types Videos topic create terror and increase the heart attack in the world. So think about the media how much the information is correct. The study also explains that one approach should be applied for pandemic control in the world. Do not see to racism, nationalism, ageism and sexism but only focus on the problem control of COVID-2019. Similarly Such types stereotypes persons create social stigma in the world community which resist in real problem solution. They focus only their nation but cannot thinking of the world humanity. Through this way problem increases and the pandemics spread to the whole world then control is difficult. So the study recommend that to stand unite against the problems solution and give respect to health services department because in this time they work like the front line soldier. During treatment the virus mostly infect the Doctors and their staffs, so encouragement is required by government of the world and one step promotion is recommended for that staffs, who involve against corona virus fighting. Also help those people who before were employed but now they are unemployed. Through unemployment the social stigma increases. Fake Generalist should be punished by each government of the world. Community awareness should be advertised by social media. Always help the government in funding for medical facilities. Through this way social stigma should be controlled. Principles of the pandemic should be taught at soft language through media. Do not afraid from pandemic but encourage to people of the world for COVID-2019. Do not create social stigma in the community of the world but try for its solution because it is the social stigma which have affected the people of the world and its economy.
Keywords: Effect, Social Stigma, Sick People, COVID-2019, Community, World
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