Fintech and the Future of Financial Service: A Literature Review and Research Agenda
47 Pages Posted: 9 Jun 2020
Date Written: May 14, 2020
The rise of Fintech in the past decade has received growing scholarly attention. This paper surveys Fintech-related articles published in leading finance, accounting, and management journals from 2010 to 2019. It aims to generate a taxonomy of Fintech and accumulate knowledge in the fields of text analytics, algorithmic trading, Fintech lending, blockchains, cryptocurrencies, and the use of artificial intelligence in financial services. Critical reflections are also presented, and future research agendas in Fintech are suggested.
Keywords: fintech, text analytics, algorithmic trading, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, big data
JEL Classification: D41, D82, G11, G12, G14, G21, G23, G24, G31, G32, G34, O31, O32, O33
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation