Remote-Learning, Time-Use, and Mental Health of Ecuadorian High-School Studentsduring the Covid-19 Quarantine
25 Pages Posted: 20 May 2020 Last revised: 21 May 2020
Date Written: May 19, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools around the world, forcing school systems and students to quickly attempt remote learning. A rapid response phone survey of over 1,500 high school students aged 14 to 18 in Ecuador was conducted to learn how students spend their time during the period of quarantine, examine their access to remote learning, and measure their mental health status. The data show that 59 percent of students have both an internet connection at home and a computer or tablet, 74 percent are engaging in some online or telelearning, and 86 percent have done some schoolwork on the last weekday. Detailed time-use data show most students have established similar daily routines around education, although gender and wealth differences emerge in time spent working and on household tasks. Closure of schools and social isolation are the two main problems students say they face, and while the majority are mostly happy, 16 percent have mental health scores that indicate depression.
Keywords: Health Care Services Industry, Educational Sciences, Mental Health, Gender and Development, Educational Institutions & Facilities, Effective Schools and Teachers
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