COVID-19/Coronavirus and European Union Shipping Law: An Interim Analysis

(2020) 26 Journal of International Maritime Law 14-31

18 Pages Posted: 28 May 2020

See all articles by Vincent Power

Vincent Power

University College Cork - School of Law; Dalhousie University - Schulich School of Law

Date Written: May 15, 2020


This article seeks to assess how the European Union has responded so far to the COVID-19/ Coronavirus Crisis in terms of various aspects of EU shipping law. It begins with a short overview of the general EU response to the crisis so as to set the context and then considers the various issues thematically including issues of health, repatriation, state aid, passenger rights, restrictions on travel and movement, the shipment of waste and port charges.

Keywords: European Union, EU, shipping, shipping law, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Passengers, Crew, Waste, Ports, Quarantine, repatriation, health

JEL Classification: K00

Suggested Citation

Power, Vincent, COVID-19/Coronavirus and European Union Shipping Law: An Interim Analysis (May 15, 2020). (2020) 26 Journal of International Maritime Law 14-31, Available at SSRN:

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University College Cork - School of Law ( email )

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Dalhousie University - Schulich School of Law ( email )

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