The Less Women Get Sick From COVID-19, The More They Die From It If They Do: Islamic Countries Have Lower Relative Female COVID-19 Morbidities and Higher Relative Female COVID-19 Fatality Rates
8 Pages Posted: 22 Jun 2020
Date Written: June 15, 2020
Women in countries with larger fractions of Islamic population showed a higher COVID-19 morbidity relative to men’s than those with smaller relative Islamic populations, and a lower COVID-19 confirmed case fatality rate relative to men’s than those with smaller relative Islamic populations. The effect cannot be explained by the gender-specific fatality rates for several other diseases. Indeed, we observed was a significant negative correlation between the female/male morbidity ratio and the female/male case fatality rate ratio.
Note: Conflict of Interest: Authors declare no competing interests.
Funding: None to declare
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Veil, Hijab, Vitamin D, Sunlight UV, Morbidity, CCFR, Case, Fatality rate
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation