Collective Bargaining and Unpaid Care As Social Security Risk – An EU Perspective

International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Forthcoming

Queen's University Belfast Law Research Paper Forthcoming

21 Pages Posted: 26 Jun 2020 Last revised: 26 Jun 2020

See all articles by Dagmar Schiek

Dagmar Schiek

Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin; University College Cork - School of Law; Queen's University Belfast - School of Law; Queen's University Belfast - School of Law; University of Bremen (- 10/1999); University of Leeds - up to 10/2014

Date Written: May 25, 2020


This article contributes to the debate on how collective agreements can enhance social security from the perspective of unpaid care work. It defines the risk of giving up employment in favour of unpaid care as a social security risk (the care risk). It analyses how collective agreements in the EU can address this risk while not compromising gender equality. This analysis is conducted with a focus on European Union law’s impact on a regulatory practice yet to emerge: the inclusion of institutional (child) care provisions in collective agreements. Analysing risks emerging from EU law, we conclude that EU law is disruptive for innovative collective bargaining strategies if interpreted from a merely economic-liberal perspective.

Keywords: EU Competition Law, Collectively Agreed (child) Care Institutions, European Union, EU Law, Occupational Social Security

Suggested Citation

Schiek, Dagmar G., Collective Bargaining and Unpaid Care As Social Security Risk – An EU Perspective (May 25, 2020). International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Forthcoming, Queen's University Belfast Law Research Paper Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: or

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