Comment of the European Copyright Society on the Implementation of the Extended Collective Licensing Rules (Arts. 8 and 12) of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright in the Digital Single Market
Articles 8 and 12 of the DSM Directive provide the first explicit legal basis for extended collective licences (ECL) in the EU copyright acquis. Article 8 is a mandatory rule on the use of out-of-commerce works and other subject matter by cultural heritage institutions, whereas Article 12 is an optional rule that applies to all kinds of works or other subject matter and all forms of use. Article 12 harmonizes national rules on ECLs and leaves some, but limited, freedom to the Member States. The comment of European Copyright Society examines the possibilities that Articles 8 and 12 provide for adopting national rules on extended collective licences and addresses a number of core aspects of Articles 8 and 12 that may play an important role in the national implementation process.
Keywords: EU Copyright Law, Extended Collective Licensing, Digital Single Market, Copyright Management Organisation, Out-of-Commerce Works
Riis, Thomas and Rognstad, Ole Andreas and Benabou, Valérie Laure and Bently, Lionel A. F. and Derclaye, Estelle and Dreier, Thomas and Dusollier, Severine and Geiger, Christophe and Griffiths, Jonathan and Hilty, Reto and Hugenholtz, P. Bernt and Janssens, Marie-Christine and Kretschmer, Martin and Metzger, Axel and Peukert, Alexander and Senftleben, Martin and Strowel, Alain M. and Synodinou, Tatiana and Xalabarder, Raquel, Comment of the European Copyright Society on the Implementation of the Extended Collective Licensing Rules (Arts. 8 and 12) of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (June 11, 2020). Available at SSRN: or