Student Managed Investment Programs: Maximizing Learning Opportunities by Increasing Student Control

23 Pages Posted: 15 Jul 2020

See all articles by Heather Knewtson

Heather Knewtson

Michigan Technological University - College of Business

Dean L. Johnson

Michigan Technological University - School of Business and Economics

Joel C Tuoriniemi

Michigan Technological University

Date Written: February 24, 2020


Student Managed Investment Programs (SMIPs) have been embraced by universities as a powerful learning experience. Although a large number of features have already been implemented by universities, SMIPs have potential for even greater educational benefits. In this paper, we argue students should be given increased control and responsibility for their SMIP to honor the intent of experiential learning and increase the breadth of their educational experience beyond direct money management. Maximizing the educational experience should be the design cornerstone, which can be accomplished through allowing complete student responsibility for the SMIP.

Keywords: Full Control, Experiential Learning, Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF), Student Managed Investment Program (SMIP)

JEL Classification: A22

Suggested Citation

Knewtson, Heather and Johnson, Dean L. and Tuoriniemi, Joel C, Student Managed Investment Programs: Maximizing Learning Opportunities by Increasing Student Control (February 24, 2020). Available at SSRN: or

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Michigan Technological University - College of Business ( email )

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Dean L. Johnson

Michigan Technological University - School of Business and Economics ( email )

Houghton, MI 49931
United States
906-487-1878 (Phone)

Joel C Tuoriniemi

Michigan Technological University ( email )

Houghton, MI 49931
United States

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