Telehealth and Telework Accessibility in a Pandemic-Induced Virtual World

22 Pages Posted: 3 Aug 2020 Last revised: 15 Jan 2021

See all articles by Blake E. Reid

Blake E. Reid

University of Colorado Law School; University of Colorado at Boulder - Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship

Christian Vogler

Gallaudet University

Zainab Alkebsi

National Association of the Deaf (NAD)

Date Written: July 14, 2020


This short essay explores one dimension of disability law’s COVID-related “frailty”: how the pandemic has undermined equal access to employment and healthcare for Americans who are deaf or hard of hearing as healthcare and employment migrate toward telehealth and telework activities. This essay’s authors—a clinical law professor; a computer scientist whose research focuses on accessible technology; and a deaf policy attorney for the nation’s premier civil rights organization of, by, and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States—have collaborated over the past months on detailed advocacy documents aimed at helping deaf and hard of hearing patients and employers navigate the complex new circumstances of telehealth and telework. The essay presents a brief survey of some of the difficult issues the authors have encountered in trying to navigate the legal and technical dimensions of healthcare and workplace accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing Americans in a pandemic-induced virtual world.

Suggested Citation

Reid, Blake Ellis and Vogler, Christian and Alkebsi, Zainab, Telehealth and Telework Accessibility in a Pandemic-Induced Virtual World (July 14, 2020). University of Colorado Law Review Forum (online), 2020, U of Colorado Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 20-44, Available at SSRN:

Blake Ellis Reid (Contact Author)

University of Colorado Law School ( email )

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University of Colorado at Boulder - Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship ( email )

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Christian Vogler

Gallaudet University ( email )

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Zainab Alkebsi

National Association of the Deaf (NAD) ( email )

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