Social Identity, Behavior, and Personality: Evidence from India

39 Pages Posted: 29 Jul 2020 Last revised: 26 Nov 2024

See all articles by Utteeyo Dasgupta

Utteeyo Dasgupta

Fordham University; IZA; Global Labor Organization (GLO)

Subha Mani

Fordham University - Fordham College at Rose Hill; Population Studies Center; Global Labor Organization (GLO)

Smriti Sharma

Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, India

Saurabh Singhal

United Nations - World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER)


Hierarchies in social identities have been found to be integrally related to divergences in economic status. In India, caste is one such significant social identity where continued discriminatory practices towards the lower castes have resulted in poor outcomes for them. While there is considerable work on such divergence on many economic outcomes along caste lines, there is no work on behavioral preferences and personality traits that can also be adversely affected by such identity hierarchies, and that are important determinants of educational attainments and labor market performances. We combine rich data from incentivized tasks and surveys conducted among a large sample of university students in a Seemingly Unrelated Regression framework and find that the historically marginalized Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SCSTs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) fare worse than the upper castes along several dimensions of economic behavior such as competitiveness and confidence and personality traits such as grit, locus of control, and conscientiousness. Further, we find that parental investments only have limited compensatory effects on these gaps. This suggests a need for redesigning the structure of affirmative action policies in India as well as targeting interventions with an aim to improving soft skills among the disadvantaged.

Keywords: India, experiments, behavioral preferences, personality, caste

JEL Classification: I23, C9, C18, J24, O15

Suggested Citation

Dasgupta, Utteeyo and Mani, Subha and Sharma, Smriti and Singhal, Saurabh, Social Identity, Behavior, and Personality: Evidence from India. IZA Discussion Paper No. 13515, Available at SSRN:

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Smriti Sharma

Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, India ( email )

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Saurabh Singhal

United Nations - World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER) ( email )

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