Major Federal Environmental Decisions, 2016
Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Environmental Law Forum 2016
4 Pages Posted: 11 Sep 2020
Date Written: March 15, 2016
This paper highlights major developments in the courts in the field of environmental law during the 2015-16 term, focusing on the potential impacts of the passing of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia. Justice Scalia left a long and indelible jurisprudential shadow on environmental law. Over his nearly 30 years on the bench, the former professor of Administrative Law shaped – sometimes single-handedly – a multitude of areas that serve as stock-and-trade of environmental, energy and natural resources lawyering across the nation, here focusing on standing, takings and deference to environmental agency rule-making.
Keywords: Environmental Law, Supreme Court, 2016, Scalia
JEL Classification: K32
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