The Oligarch Vanishes: Defensive Ownership, Property Rights, and Political Connections

Forthcoming, Quarterly Journal of Political Science

57 Pages Posted: 19 Oct 2020 Last revised: 27 Jul 2022

See all articles by John S. Earle

John S. Earle

George Mason University - Schar School of Policy and Government; IZA Institute of Labor Economics

Solomiya Shpak

Kyiv School of Economics; National Bank of Ukraine

Anton Shirikov

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Scott Gehlbach

University of Chicago

Date Written: August 30, 2021


We examine the use of proxies, shell companies, and offshore firms to defend property against seizure by private and state actors. Our theoretical framework emphasizes the role of political connections in defensive ownership. Linking information from investigative journalists on the key holdings of numerous Ukrainian oligarchs with firm-level administrative data on formal ownership ties, we observe some form of defensive ownership among more than two-thirds of oligarch-controlled firms, but such conduct is much less common for those connected to the incumbent regime. Further exploiting the abrupt shock to political connections that accompanied the Orange Revolution, we find a sharp rise in defensive ownership among previously connected oligarchs.

Keywords: defensive ownership, property rights, political connections, oligarchs, Ukraine

JEL Classification: D23, G32, P26

Suggested Citation

Earle, John S. and Shpak, Solomiya and Shirikov, Anton and Gehlbach, Scott, The Oligarch Vanishes: Defensive Ownership, Property Rights, and Political Connections (August 30, 2021). Forthcoming, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Available at SSRN: or

John S. Earle

George Mason University - Schar School of Policy and Government ( email )

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IZA Institute of Labor Economics

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Solomiya Shpak

Kyiv School of Economics ( email )


National Bank of Ukraine ( email )

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Anton Shirikov

University of Wisconsin-Madison ( email )

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Scott Gehlbach (Contact Author)

University of Chicago ( email )

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