Seller Debt in Acquisitions of Private Firms: A Security Design Approach

Forthcoming at Review of Financial Studies.

48 Pages Posted: 7 Jan 2021 Last revised: 31 Aug 2023

See all articles by Mark Jansen

Mark Jansen

University of Utah - Department of Finance

Thomas H. Noe

University of Oxford - Said Business School; University of Oxford - Balliol College; Bank of Finland; European Corporate Governance Institute

Ludovic Phalippou

University of Oxford - Said Business School

Date Written: May 27, 2023


We propose a security design model in which a potential acquirer approaches a firm with a value-add plan. The target has a single owner, who possesses private information: he alone knows whether his firm is compatible with the plan. The owner agrees that the acquirer will add value but believes that the value-add will not be as much as what the acquirer expects. Although the acquirer can choose any monotone limited liability security to offer along with cash, we show that, under general conditions, any security that is employed always takes the form of non-recourse junior debt provided by the seller.

Internet Appendix is available at

Keywords: Security design, private capital, private asset acquisition, asymmetric information, seller financing, screening equilibrium, tranching, disagreement

JEL Classification: G34, D86, D82, G32, G24

Suggested Citation

Jansen, Mark and Noe, Thomas H. and Phalippou, Ludovic, Seller Debt in Acquisitions of Private Firms: A Security Design Approach (May 27, 2023). Forthcoming at Review of Financial Studies., Available at SSRN: or

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Ludovic Phalippou

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